Seems to be Mr. Romero's answer to Cloverfield (which was pretty lame).
Only with zombies, and it actually looks a lot more interesting. It looks like what would happen if Dead Rising took place outside of the mall. And minus the Otis. God, how I despised Otis.
Besides, when was the last time George Romero made a zombie movie? Wha...three years ago? Really? Huh, didn't seem that long ago...
Anyway, zombies. You can't go wrong with that.
zombies are totally kick ass. although, if a zombie invasion completely wiped us out, wouldnt they just die from starvation and decay. zombie movies aernt interesting without some people trying to fight back. even if they all die in the end.
Dunno. Resident Evil: Apocalypse had that same zombie invasion around the world thing going on. Logically, they would die from that.
But really, logic in a motion picture film? Get real.